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Within the blue patient bar, select the Invoices tab. This will list all invoices issued that are either to that patient, or to a billing contact that are linked to that patient.

Creating an Invoice

This is used when invoicing the patient or a billing contact for 100% of the charge. If there is a shortfall or excess use the Split Invoice option.

  1. Click New Invoice and choose the Consultant you wish to invoice from.
  2. Add any items from the dropdown - This is pulled from your Xero Inventory Items. To update the default pricing or description, edit these in Xero.
  3. If you wish to add an item that is not in your Xero Inventory items, click Add custom item then fill out the required fields.
  4. If you are charging the entire amount to a billing contact, select this contact using the Billed to dropdown at the bottom. This pulls from your list of Contacts in Elixir.
  5. Click Create to generate the invoice. This will create the invoice in Xero using the Xero API then list the details on this page.

Create Invoice

Creating a Split Invoice

This is used when invoicing a separating Billing Contact for a percentage of the invoice (eg a shortfall).

  1. Click New Split Invoice and choose the Consultant you wish to invoice from.
  2. Add any items from the dropdown - This is pulled from your Xero Inventory Items. To update the default pricing or description, edit these in Xero.
  3. If you wish to add an item that is not in your Xero Inventory items, click Add custom item then fill out the required fields.
  4. Fill out how you wish to split the invoice, you can fill out any one of Patient %, Patient $, Billing % or Billing $ and Elixir will auto-calculate the rest.

Split Invoice Autocalculate

Remember to only fill out the Unit Cost and one of (Patient %, Patient $, Billing %, Billing $). The other 3 values will automatically calculate.

  1. Select a billing contact using the Billed to dropdown at the bottom. This pulls from your list of Contacts in Elixir.
  2. Click Create to generate the invoice. This will create 2 invoices in Xero (one to patient, one to billing contact) using the Xero API then list the details on this page.

Create Split Invoice

Invoice Actions

Click the Print or Email icon to print or email the invoice.

Click View in Xero to open the invoice in Xero.

Tip: The email will be sent from Xero using your Sales Invoice Xero default template.

Invoices Print

If the patient is paying over the counter (eg EFTPOS) you can click Mark as Paid which will add a payment to the invoice, and popup a link to the Xero Receipt for that payment. Invoices Paid

Click Mark as unpaid to reverse a payment.

Cancelling an Invoice

  1. Click View in Xero to open the invoice in Xero
  2. Once the invoice is open in Xero, Void the invoice

Invoice Design

Invoices will use your default Xero Branding Theme. To add your logo, payment details etc edit your Xero Branding Theme

Quote Design

By default, Xero calls it's quotes "Draft Quotes". Rename this in your Xero Settings to Quote or Estimate depending on your preferences.

Xero Branding Theme