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Elixir's electronic prescriptions have a barcode the pharmacy will scan to download your prescription information. Our scripts do not need to be signed, including for controlled drugs.

Choosing New > Prescription will bring up the New Prescription dialog.

Click Add Item to add a new line to your script.

Prescription Add

Enter the generic or trade name into the Rx field, which will search and autocomplete from the NZULM database.


If the medication isn't in the database you need to type the medication in the Rx field, it should show up in bold just below your typing area. You need to click on the bold option, and it will save your entry into the prescription.

Prescription New Rx

Pressing the rubbish bin icon beside the Repeat Interval will remove that Rx line. Prescription Rx

Prescription Templates

Alternatively, you can choose to insert a Prescription Template that you have previously created, which will add those Rx items from your template into this script.

Prescription Template

Sending Prescriptions

Once a script has been saved and locked, an electronic prescription barcode will be automatically added. It can then be printed, or emailed direct to a pharmacy.

Prescription Locked


Only a Elixir user with Consultant rights can Save and Lock a prescription.

Prescription Content

Patient details (NHI etc) and prescriber details (NZMC etc) will be automatically added to the printed or emailed document.

Prescriptions in NZ require an address and phone number. The Short Address in your Letter Settings and phone number from Contact Settings are used.


Health NZ specifically asked us not to print comments on the PDF. They have advised this is for privacy/confidentiality reasons.

Comments are available to the pharmacy when they scan the barcode, but not on the printed PDF that you send.

Dispense Information

Once a pharmacy dispenses your script, this information is fed back to Elixir and is available at the bottom of the Prescription page.

Special Authorities

SA approvals can be done online through the Health NZ ESA system if your clinic has access to the Connected Health network. You may need to contact your IT support provider or HealthLink to get connected.

Once you have your Special Authority Approval Number, tick Special Authority and fill in the relevant fields.

Prescription SA


At this stage we cannot integrate special authority approvals, as the Ministry of Health API system is 20 years old and being replaced, but they haven't given us an ETA. Once we are able to connect to the new API we will add Electronic Special Authority integration into Elixir.