Create a new ACC18
Create a new recall by choosing then selecting ACC 18
Fill out the required fields of the form
If you select a Referral that has ACC details attached, those details will populate in the ACC45/Claim Number and Date of Injury fields.
Contact details for the Treatment Provider will automatically populate from Team and Profile settings.
Click Save Draft to save the current details without submitting to ACC
Click Submit to submit directly to ACC
As soon as the Submit button is pressed, the form is sent directly to ACC and processed instantly. If it's not showing a draft status, then it's been processed with ACC.
Printing/Sending the ACC18 form
The Print icon gives the following options:
- Full Form - This has all the clinical information for giving to your patient
- For Employer - This has limited clinical information, suitable for giving to an employer
- Patient Declaration - This prints the Patient Declaration and Consent document as required by ACC
The Send icon gives the following options:
- Send to Contact - Allows the form to be sent to one of your Contacts
- Send to Patient - Sends the form to the patient
Diagnosis Codes
ACC have provided a list of READ codes which populate the Diagnosis Code dropdown. This spreadsheet is available for download if you prefer to search the spreadsheet for a suitable code.