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Inventory Items

Create Inventory Items

Video Demonstration on creating and syncing your Inventory items:

Your billing codes are created and managed in your Xero Inventory Items. These billing codes are pulled into Elixir so that you can create invoices.

To set up your billing codes, navigate to your Xero account, login if necessary.

Click on Business > Products and Services

Xero Products and Services

This is where you will find a list of your current billing codes.

To add a new code, go to New Item at the top right of the screen

Xero New Item

Give the item a code and name.

Untick Purchase

Add a sale price, sales account, tax rate and description (if different from the name of the item).

Xero Billing Item

Click Save

Repeat this process untill you have created all the billing codes you require.


You can also import your Inventory Items if you have them in a spreadsheet. See Xero's help page on Importing inventory items into Xero.

We have provided an example list of items including ACC standard pricing (current as of 06/07/2023) in a Xero importable format. Please check pricing, account codes and suitability before uploading.

Sync your Inventory Items to Elixir

Head back to your Elixir account and navigate to Admin > Xero Accounts

Click on the Sync Items icon. When it shows a green tick, your items will now be avaliable in Elixir.

Xero Sync Items

Now when you create an invoice, you can use the billing codes that you have created.

Editing Inventory Items

You can also edit the inventory items by navigating back to Xero, into Products and Services.

Click on the item you are wanting to make the change to, make your changes and click save.

Make sure you sync your items in Elixir once you have completed your changes.


You can Export your Inventory Items to a spreadsheet. Then make changes in Excel before uploading back into Xero. See our Guide on Updating Inventory Codes