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Specialist Referrals

Ensure you have connected your Specialist Referrals into Elixir. You can find instructions on how to do this on the Integrations Specialist Referral Page.

Sending your SR Referrals to Elixir

Open Inbox and click on the Specialist Referrals menu. Click on the SR Hub button. This will open the Specialist Referral Portal.

SR Inbox

Open Referrals in the SR Portal. Select the Referral(s) you would like to send to Elixir by clicking on the checkbox on each referral.

Click the button FORWARD TO PMS.

SR Hub Referrals

Return back to Elixir > Inbox > Specialist Referrals to find the referrals sent from SR.

Processing your SR Messages in Elixir

Acknowledge and Accept a Referral

By saving the referral, you Acknowledge and Accept the SR referral. You can customise the Subject and Referrer of the referral. You can also include an acknowledgement message to be sent back to SR.

SR Accept Referral

The referral will be saved to the patient notes.

SR Accept Referral

Decline a Referral

You can Decline the Referral.

SR Decline

When declining a referral you can enter a reason for your decision.

SR Decline Reason

Elixir does not delete the declined referral. You will be able to see that you declined the referral in the patient's notes.

SR Decline Referral