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eOrder Missing Fields


eOrder allows you to order and view recent lab tests electronically. See our eOrder Guide for more detail.

If you see the following error:
eOrder is disabled because the following fields are missing:

  • User's CPN

  • Team's HPI Facility ID

  • Patient's NHI Number

Please ensure you have filled the missing fields in your Elixir account.


This only prevents you using electronic eOrdering of lab results. You can still process lab requests and imaging requests as normal using the form below the error/eOrder buttons in Elixir.

User's CPN

Each practitioner needs their individual CPN loaded into their User Account. If you do not know your CPN you can contact

Add the practitioners CPN to their User Account under Consultant Specific Settings.

If the user does not have the Consultant role but needs to access eOrder, enter their Health Care Assistant (HCA) code to their User account under Miscellaneous Settings. You can request a HCA code from the laboratory.

Team's HPI Facility ID

Ensure you have loaded your teams Facility ID.

Patient's NHI Number

Each patient you are requesting a test for needs their NHI loaded in Elixir. If you need to lookup a patients NHI you can activate our NHI Lookup.