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  • A list of all upcoming appointments on a printable page is shown.
  • Select which users appointments to show in the left column.
  • Click the blue Print button to generate a printable page.
  • Click the Print Labels button to print a patient label for all listed patients.

Appointments Agenda

  • If the patient has an NHI entered, this will display as a scanable barcode.
  • Alerts (eg allergies) will be shown highlighted in red.
  • Contact details will be displayed. See [Team Settings] to enable display of patient address and name on Agenda.
  • Custom fields can be shown on the agenda if enabled.

What if you have a split day (eg surgery in the morning, consults in the afternoon) and only want to print your surgery list? Ensure you book your surgery patients into a separate Clinic then filter just that clinic using the dropdown.

Appointments Agenda Dropdown