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Video Demonstration on setting up your Team area:

Team holds most of your unique information and settings. Within Team, you can make small changes (such as setting various defaults) to make the use of Elixir more suited to your clinic. For more information on each item on Teams, see below:

Team Screen

  • Name - This is your team name. This name is used when sending emails.
  • Email - Your setup email address.
  • Timestep - Ensure this compliments the way you book your appointments. For example, if you run on a 15-minute schedule, your timestamp should be 15 minutes. Although, if you have appointments that are 10, 20, or 30 minutes long, your timestep should be 10 minutes.
  • Start Time and End Time - This determines the start and end time on your calendar (Appointments and Timetable). Set these to match your clinic hours to reduce unnecessary scrolling.
  • Default clinic - This should be the clinic that you will be booking into more often than others. When creating an appointment the clinic will default to this unless you override it.
  • Default Appointment Duration - Set this time to your most common appointment duration. When clicking on appointment slots, your appointment will default to this length.
  • Appointment Colouring - Choose whether appointment colours are based on your Clinic colour or the Appointment Type colour
  • Scan/General Email Address - Emails sent to either of these addresses appear in your Inbox > Email or Inbox > Scans inbox respectively.
  • Auto CC Letters to Patients - Tick this if you want your letters to automatically send to a patient if they have a valid email address entered on their details page.
  • Outbound Email Reply to Address - Set this to the email address you want the patient to email back to when you send emails from Elixir. If you would prefer responding emails to come into the Elixir Inbox leave this blank.
  • Auto-assign inbound emails to - If most of your emails are assigned to one consultant, set them as the default clinician to save time manually assigning them in the inbox.
  • Custom Email Address - Set this so that you and others can easily send items to your inbox. This address is also used when sending emails, rather than the randomly generated email address.
  • Healthlink ID - Enter your Healthlink EDI so your electronic referrals and other information can come into your inbox.


    You can find more information on obtaining and using a Healthlink ID in Elixir at Healthlink Integrations Page.

  • HPI Facility ID and Organisation Number - Add your Facility ID and Organisation number into these fields.


    You can find more information on obtaining and using a Facility ID within Elixir at Facility ID Page.

  • Letter PDF File Name - This automatically gives your PDF Files a name of your choosing.

Contact Settings

Office/Cell Phone - fill these in to automatically have your number populate in areas that require a phone number such as prescriptions.

Address - fill in your main office address to have it automatically populate in various forms that require an address.

Branding and Address Details

At the bottom of the Team page you can edit contact details, logos, letterhead images etc. Click the Edit button to change these.

  • PDF & Email Contact Details: This will be appended to the bottom of emails that are sent, and added to your letter PDF's (if no Header is set below)
  • Short Address: This is added to prescriptions to comply with MoH requirements.
  • Font Family & Size: This sets the default font Family and Type for letters.
  • Logo image: This will automatically be added to emails you send, and to the top of Letter PDF's (if no full width header is set below)
  • Header/Footer (full width): Upload a single image containing your letterhead to replace the logo+contact details above. This will automatically expand to the full width of the letter PDF.
  • Margin: Sets the page margin on letter PDF's.
  • Show Subject/Yours Sincerely/Signature Image: If ticked, these will be added to your Letter PDF's.


Any of these details can be set per-consultant by selecting Edit > Edit Letterhead in Team > Users. User specific Letterhead settings override these Team settings.

Contact Letterhead