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These can be found by clicking Admin, then choosing Reminders on the left.

You can use Elixir variables in all reminder templates. These can be found in the INS Menu when editing the content of the reminder. When the reminder is sent, these variables are replaced with the relevant value. Some examples are as follows.

${}                 Mickey Mouse
${patient.firstname}            Mickey
${appointmentStartTime12hr}     2:12 PM             Time of appointment
${appointmentStartTime24hr}     14:12
${appointmentDate}              27/04/2023          Date of the appointment
${appointmentDateLong}          27th April 2023
${appointmentDayOfWeek}         Friday
${appointment.clinician}        Dr John Smith


We would recommend against using ${patient.nextAppointmentTime} as this may lead to errors. NextAppointmentTime will use the next appointment the patient has. For example if they had an appointment tomorrow at 09:00 and you created another appointment in a months time for 13:00, the NextAppointmentTime will use the 09:00 time from tomorrow as this is the next appointment the patient has.

We recommend using appointmentStartTime and appointmentDate as they pull the time and date of the appointment triggering the reminder.

Reminder Syntax Options


With all Elixir reminders, you will need to set a trigger for when the reminder is sent to a patient. Elixir has multiple triggers to help automate messages to patients for different scenarios. The different triggers are as follows:

  • Appointment created will send when an appointment is created.
  • Appointment upcoming (days/minutes) will send at the specified interval prior to the appointment.
  • Appointment past (days) will send at the specified interval after the appointment.
  • Appointment edited will send when a change to the appointment is made (eg date or time change).
  • Appointment created from recall will send when an appointment is created from the Office > Recalls area.
  • Recall due will send when the recall due date is reached.

Creating an Email Appointment Reminder

  1. Click beside Email Reminders heading.

    New Email Reminder

  2. Fill out the subject. This will be the subject of the email message.

  3. Assign a trigger
  4. Set which clinics and appointment types will be included with this reminder.

    This might be useful if you only want to send reminders for appointments in your consult rooms. Surgery appointments may need separate reminders or no reminder.

  5. Set the content of your reminder. You can use variables from the INS menu.

Create Appointment

Creating a Text Appointment Reminder

Complete the same process as above, but use the button beside SMS Reminders.

New Email Reminder

We will invoice you at the end of each month for your SMS usage.

Creating a Print Appointment Reminder

For patient that prefer having their appointment printed you can create a print reminder.

  1. Click New Reminder besides the Print Reminders heading.
  2. Fill out the subject and select which clinic the reminder relates to.
  3. Set the content of your reminder and select Save when you have finished.

To print the reminder, go to the patient appointment and click on it. Click the Print Reminder button.

Print Reminder

Deleting an Appointment Reminder

Press the trash icon to the right of the reminder to remove it. Delete Reminder

When sending an appointment reminder, you can include the variable ${patient_update_link} which will include a single-use link in the reminder. If the patient clicks this link they can confirm and update their contact details.

For example this template:

If you wish to check/update your details, please click this link:

Will result in this email:

Email Update Link

When the patient clicks on the link it will show the Basic Information form, allowing the patient to check and update their details prior to their appointment.


This update link will only be valid for a single use. Once the patient completes the form the link will be made invalid.

Email Update Page