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Referral Custom Fields

Referral Custom Fields appear on a referral in the patient notes. Referral custom fields can be used to track information that is unique to a referral e.g. ACC details, Presenting Problem.

Elixir has fixed ACC Claim # and ACC DOI fields. When filling in these fields, this ACC information will pre-populate in ARTP’s and ACC18s when selecting the referral.

Referral Custom Fields

Merging Custom Fields

If you have your own ACC and DOI referral custom fields, you can merge these into Elixir’s new fixed fields.


We recommend that you take a backup of your Referrals before doing this. To do this, go to Admin > Export and click on Export Referrals.

To copy your referral custom field data to the fixed fields:

  1. Go to Admin > Referral Custom Fields

  2. Select “Merge custom fields to static fields”

  3. Enter your custom field and the target Static field.

  4. Check for any conflicts, and choose which one to keep.

  5. Click “Copy values across”

  6. A “Successfully merged” message will appear

Don’t forget to change your letter templates, Billing Report Templates etc from using the old field variable to using our new field variable.

It is then safe to delete the old Referral Custom Field.