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Prescription Templates

Located in Admin > Prescription Templates.

Create templates to quickly add a number of Rx lines to your scripts.

  1. Click New top right.
  2. Enter a name for your template (internal use only)
  3. Assign to All Users or specific users.
  4. Tick Pin to Top if you want it at the top of you list.
  5. Click Add Item.
  6. Fill out all fields. The Rx field will search from the NZULM list. Leave Repeats and Repeat Interval as 0 if you don't want any repeats.
  7. Add additional Rx lines if required. Remove using the Trash icon.
  8. Click Create at the bottom.

Tip: You can add/remove Rx lines from your prescription after inserting.

Create as many templates for various needs as you wish. Insert using the Insert Template button when creating a prescription.

Prescription Template