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ACC Certificate

Uploading your ACC Digital Certificate allows you to submit ACC18 Medical Certificates directly to ACC.

Register for an ACC Digital Certificate

  1. Complete the application forms with ACC
  2. You will receive your certificate via courier on a flash drive from Healthlink.

Upload your ACC Digital Certificate

  1. Click on Admin, then choose ACC Certificate on the left
  2. Click and select the pfx file from your flash drive. Tip: The pfx filename usually starts with your name, and is followed by a random number eg John Doctor_91324675

  3. Enter your passphrase provided by Healthlink. If you don't have it, call Healthlink on 0800 288 887

  4. Click . All going well you will now be able to submit ACC18 Medical Certificates


Digital Certificates expire after 1 year, remember to upload the new one when it arrives.

ACC Cert