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Access your profile by clicking on your name (top right) then selecting Profile. Access your profile

Change your password

  1. Open your profile, then locate the password section.
  2. Enter your current password, then your new password, and new password again.
    • You will need to click the Edit button on each field to allow entering text.

Passwords must be 8-32 characters long and contain at least

  • 1 uppercase
  • 1 lowercase letter
  • 1 number
  • 1 special character of the following: !@#$%^&*.,:

Edit Password

Edit Consultant specific settings

If you have the Consultant role you can also add the following:

  • Registration Number - This is your NZMC number that will be automatically added to prescriptions etc
  • HPI Number - Used for ACC Forms
  • Qualifications - Added to the bottom of your Letters
  • ACC Provider ID - Used for ACC Forms
  • ACC provider Type Code - Used for ACC Forms
  • ARTP Form fields - Used to prefill the ARTP form

Consultant Settings

12/24 Time Format Options

Choose to have Elixir in 24 Hour or 12 Hour format throughout. Click on your name in the top right corner and click Profile. Scroll down to your Miscellaneous settings. Select your preferred Time Format option.

Time format

Customise New Dropdown

You can customise what appears in your New dropdown by unticking those that don't apply to you.

Customise New Note Dropdown