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Click Appointments in the top navy navigation bar to view the appointments calendar.


  • Switch back or forward a day using the < and > buttons around the date.
  • Click Today to jump back to today.
  • Change to another date using the calendar selector (top right)
  • Switch between Day, Week, Month and Agenda views using the buttons top right.

Create an appointment

  1. Click in any empty time slot
  2. In the Find Patient box type the name or NHI of the desired patient.
  3. Click Edit Patient if you want to edit any patient details (check/update contact details for example).
  4. Select an Appointment type if required. Appointment types can be automatically selected if you are using Appointment Slots
  5. Adjust date and start/end time if required. Selecting an Appointment Type will automatically adjust the end time of the appointment to suit the Appointment Type Length.
  6. Add a Note if required. This will display on the Agenda
  7. Ensure the Sent appointment reminders box is ticked to automatically send your configured Appointment Reminders
  8. Click Create to create the appointment. Press Discard or the X at the top if you want to cancel creating the appointment.

Appointments Create


You can click and drag to make a longer appointment.

Resend Reminders

You can resend a reminder from the Patient Log


When you are creating appointments linked to clinics that have appointment reminders disabled, the "Send appointment reminders" check box will be greyed out.

Reminder Warnings

Create an appointment task

  1. Click to create a new appointment
  2. Change the Event Type to Task
  3. Adjust time if required
  4. Add any notes if required
  5. Click Create at the bottom


Cancel an Appointment

  1. Click on the appointment to bring up the details in the left pane
  2. Click Cancel at the bottom
  3. Enter a reason for your cancellation. This will show up in the patients appointment history list.

